Galimova Ol’ga Nikolaevna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 21.02.2019
Abstract. The article considers the formation and development of the thematic group "reptiles’ names" with reference to lexicographical sources and educational literature and investigates the evolution of the semantics and structure of some herpetonyms. The formation of polysemy and synonymy is examined. The author is of the opinion that polysemy of the names of animals belonging to one family destroys consistency of terminology and therefore is unacceptable. For the first time in the Tatar terminology, the main function of the generic component in zoonyms is determined, and the features of transition to a brief term are identified. It is concluded that at the present stage of zoological terminology development, herpetonyms are a formed, developed group of the terminological system of this branch.
Key words and phrases: терминосистема, зоологическая терминология, герпетоним, татарский язык, названия пресмыкающихся, terminological system, zoological terminology, herpetonym, Tatar language, reptiles’ names
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