Vandanova Erzhena Vladimirovna
Buryat State University
Submitted: 24.02.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the syntactic words category - postpositions - in the Bargut language in comparison with the Buryat language in order to identify both specific features and general patterns characteristic of the languages. The research makes it possible to determine the functioning of postpositions from the point of view of expressing various semantic-syntactic relations. As a result of the analysis, we can state that postpositions complement the grammatical meaning of case forms and express spatial, temporal, target, commitative and other relations.
Key words and phrases: монголоведение, служебные слова, послелоги, грамматическое значение, семантика, синтаксические отношения, язык баргутов, бурятский язык, Mongolian studies, syntactic words, postpositions, grammatical meaning, semantics, syntactic relations, Bargut language, Buryat language
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