Bondareva Lyudmila Mikhailovna
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Submitted: 24.02.2019
Abstract. The article provides a linguo-cognitive analysis of the memory metaphors functioning in the German writers’ memoirs. The study aims to identify the means used by the subjects of speech activity to conceptualize memory. The findings allowed the author to conclude that occasional memory metaphors, due to their ambivalent nature, are realized in the German writers’ memoirs as variants of the basic metaphorical models "memory - animate being" and "reminiscence - animate being / object".
Key words and phrases: тексты воспоминаний, когнитивная деятельность речевого субъекта, концептуализация, автобиографическая память, воспоминания, окказиональные метафоры, memoirs, speech subject’s cognitive activity, conceptualization, autobiographical memory, memoirs, occasional metaphors
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