Ochered’ko Yuliya Vladimirovna, Kalikova Anna Mikhailovna
Astrakhan State University
Submitted: 17.12.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of phytonyms (onyms of flora) of the Chinese language. Using the lexical data of explanatory dictionaries, the authors offer a nominative classification of the Chinese phytonyms developed by them. The paper presents the lexical-semantic groups of floristic word formation, which represent linguistic (composite way of word formation) and linguocultural (associative consciousness) features. The distribution of composites into groups depending on their morphological affiliation predetermines their syntagmatic compatibility features in sentences.
Key words and phrases: фитоним, лингвокультура, семантическая номинация, ассоциативное сознание, композит, подчинительный тип связи, сочинительный тип связи, phytonym, linguoculture, semantic nomination, associative consciousness, composite, subordinate type of connection, coordinate type of connection
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