Popova Mariya Dmitrievna
The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 21.12.2018
Abstract. The article describes the adjective as a part of speech in the Evenk language. The Evenk adjective designates the appropriateness of a feature for a certain bearer expressed by a noun, to which an adjective is added. Its characteristics are as follows: it designates static and dynamic features of an object; adjoinment relation with the defined word; subordinate relation only with a noun. Adjectives are divided into two lexico-grammatical categories - qualitative and relative ones.
Key words and phrases: прилагательные, эвенский язык, существительное, часть речи, признак предмета, adjectives, Evenk language, noun, part of speech, feature of object
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