Yusupova Liya Gayazovna, Kuz'mina Ol'ga Dmitrievna, Kuznetsova Il'vira Ildusovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 01.12.2018
Abstract. In the article, the results of the comparative study of the substantive phraseological units (SPU) of the English and German languages from the structural perspective are presented. Structural analysis has shown that the most common model of the SPU of the English and German languages is "adjective attribute + noun". The results of the analysis of the component composition have displayed that in the German and English languages, high recurrence is characteristic of the SPU group with the animal component. SPU with the religious component also prevail in German, whereas in English the names of food products and beverages are quite common. Somatisms, colour terms and proper names are less common in the SPU of both the languages.
Key words and phrases: всемирное культурное наследие, культура, язык, лингвистика, лингвокультурология, фразеология, фразеологическая единица, world cultural heritage, culture, language, linguistics, cultural linguistics, phraseology, phraseological unit
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