Plavina Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
Volgograd State University
Submitted: 16.01.2019
Abstract. The article examines the dynamics of the key genre features of a travelogue - a written epistolary genre of the English discourse. The basic trends of the genre evolution are analysed by the example of its two historical forms - travel essays of the XIX century and a travel blog, which is an element of modern computer-mediated communication. The author identifies the key features of the travelogue genre - content (the theme of a journey), compositional structure and overall communicative purpose. Dynamics of the means to model the author’s and the addressee’s images is analysed using the corpus-based methodology.
Key words and phrases: жанр, жанровые характеристики, травелог, дискурсивное конструирование, автор и адресат, корпусная методология, английский язык, genre, genre characteristics, travelogue, discursive modelling, author and addressee, corpus-based methodology, English language
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