Zhantsanova Marina Georgievna
Buryat State University
Submitted: 20.11.2018
Abstract. The article considers a special layer of the Japanese language vocabulary "wasei-kango" - a variety of words of the Chinese origin, created anew in Japanese or subjected to semantic transformation after borrowing. The author addresses the problem of this vocabulary layer functioning in Japanese and its individual aspects. In addition, for the first time, the paper gives an overview of the works of linguists from different countries (in particular, a fundamental work by the Chinese scientist Chen Li Wei), in which the formation methods and classification of "wasei-kango" according to various criteria are examined. The work reveals the relationship between the syntactic model and "wasei-kango" further functioning in Japanese, and also outlines promising directions of research in this area.
Key words and phrases: японский язык, китайский язык, лексические заимствования, "васэй-канго", лингвокультурные связи, Japanese language, Chinese language, lexical borrowings, "wasei-kango", linguocultural relations
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