Podgorbunskaya Irina Gennad'evna
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
Submitted: 17.10.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the structural evolution of the nuclear units of linguistic macro-space in the German and English languages. Phonetic discrepancy between the descending nuclear tone of an intonational phrase and the ascending nuclear tone of a sonorous vowel in the last syllable of a prosodic unit has played a key role in changing the word structure. In both the languages, accent moved to the first root syllable, which caused cardinal changes in the linguistic systems. Apparently similar alterations resulted in the formation of different language development trajectories.
Key words and phrases: макропространство, зона нуклеации, узлы противоречий, активные центры, просодическая детерминанта, редукция конечных гласных, macro-space, nuclear zone, contradictive points, active centres, prosodic determinant, reduction of final vowels
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