Kudrikova El'vira Ivanovna
Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation
Submitted: 22.10.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to analysing the role of the English borrowings in the system of the modern German language. Two opposing viewpoints are compared: the first one, claiming to restrict the number of Anglicisms, and the second one, which considers borrowing as a positive phenomenon. The author emphasizes universal nature of linguistic purism, which is a response to the growing number of foreign borrowings in the recipient language. Irrelevance of administrative interference in the language development process is justified.
Key words and phrases: англицизм, английское заимствование, иноязычное влияние, языковой пуризм, ассимиляция заимствований, Anglicism, English borrowing, foreign-language influence, linguistic purism, assimilation of borrowings
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