Ivanova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
Submitted: 08.10.2019
Abstract. The article aims to describe the specificity of the WESTERN VALUES concept representation in the American media discourse and to prove that this mental phenomenon is an ideologeme widely used by the western mass media to exercise manipulative influence. The author analyses textual realization of the ideologeme "western values" with a view to identify its cognitive specificity. In the author’s opinion, further research should be focused on analysing the discourse through the lenses of realization of ideologemes as mental concepts creating ideological space and influencing the formation of social identity.
Key words and phrases: идеологема, концепт, когнитивная лингвистика, манипулятивные стратегии и тактики, пропозиция, пресуппозиция, ideologeme, concept, cognitive linguistics, manipulative strategies and tactics, proposition, presupposition
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