Vavilova Kseniya Yur'evna
Mari State University
Submitted: 10.11.2019
Abstract. The article aims to analyse the means of forming the English ophthalmological terms and to identify their main features. The research objectives are as follows: to examine the basic means of term formation in the English language; to identify the peculiarities of forming the English ophthalmological terms; to describe the most frequent word-formative models in the sublanguage of ophthalmology. The findings indicate the prevalence of substantive terminological word combinations. Non-prepositional two-component terms prevail. The analysis has allowed identifying eponyms mostly formed according to the word-formative model Pr. N +’s + N. Scientific originality of the paper involves the systemic approach to studying the means of term formation and the analysis of the means of the English ophthalmological terms formation.
Key words and phrases: образование офтальмологических терминов, синтаксический способ, сложные термины, аффиксальные термины, корневые термины, заимствования, семантический способ терминообразования, ophthalmological terms formation, syntactic means, compound terms, affixal terms, root terms, borrowings, semantic means of term formation
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