Zhang Yue
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 16.10.2019
Abstract. The article describes the semantics of the particles еще , же , именно , ну , так , это in interrogative sentences with the adverbs где (where), куда (which way) and откуда (where from). The author aims to reveal the semantic contribution of these particles to the meaning of interrogative sentences with the adverbs где , куда and откуда and to identify their functions in sentences. For example, one possible function of these particles is to indicate the addition of new objects to those already in place and the particle же implies overcoming the situation of information inconsistency. The paper examines in detail the meanings of each of the mentioned particles, describes the conditions for realization of a certain function.
Key words and phrases: частица, вопросительное предложение, локативный вопрос, местоименное наречие, лексический состав вопросительного предложения, particle, interrogative sentence, locative question, pronominal adverb, lexical component of interrogative sentence
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