Golaidenko Larisa Nikolaevna, Rakhimova Alina Aleksandrovna
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
Submitted: 09.10.2019
Abstract. The article provides an analytical description of the widely used in philosophical science term "imagination", which for the first time is examined from the linguo-cognitive and linguistic viewpoints. The paper compares the most frequent philosophical definitions of imagination with a view to systemize the key cognitive components of this concept, to identify the interpretations inadequate in the meaningful and verbal aspects and to correct them. Relying on the findings, the authors offer their own definition of the term "imagination", which can be used in lexicographical practice.
Key words and phrases: представление, проблема корректного дефинирования в философии, философская дефиниция "воображение", лингвокогнитивный и лингвистический аспекты анализа, новое определение, presentation, problem of correct definition in philosophy, philosophical definition "imagination", linguo-cognitive and linguistic aspects of analysis, new definition
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