Kirillina Mariya Afanas'evna
Institute for the Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 21.10.2019
Abstract. Within the framework of the "poet’s drama" problem, the paper identifies the peculiarities of verse and dramaturgic elements in I. M. Gogolev’s drama "The Sacred Land". Conditionally poetic interpretation of a historical subject determines style and genre peculiarities of the text, which combines the elements of different styles and genres. I. M. Gogolev’s drama "The Sacred Land" is considered as a marginal text combining verse and dramaturgic elements and representing the romantic conception of the poet’s world perception and formal features of a verse. The text analysis indicates the dominance of the lyrical element: figurativeness and metaphoricity of the style, conditionality and generality of images and, as a result, the slow story development, personages’ statuary essence and inner statics.
Key words and phrases: литературный билингвизм, якутская драматургия, "драма поэта", драма в стихах, условность и метафоризация, свободный стих, фольклорный верлибр, И. Гоголев, literary bilingualism, Yakut dramaturgy, "poet’s drama", verse drama, conditionality and metaphorization, free verse, folkloric vers libre, I. Gogolev
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