Sereda Elena, Gerasimova Anastasiya Sergeevna
Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
Submitted: 13.09.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the English and Russian paroemiological units representing the concept WOMAN. The chosen paroemiological units are classified depending on negative or positive connotation of the verbalized concept. The paper aims to reveal the content of the analysed concept, to identify culturally specific and culturally universal views on a woman in the English and Russian phraseological worldview. The findings indicate that perception of the WOMAN concept differs among the speakers of the English and Russian languages.
Key words and phrases: паремиология, концепт, язык и мышление, языковая картина мира, фразеология, концепт женщина, paroemiology, concept, language and thinking, linguistic worldview, phraseology, concept WOMAN
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