Miroshnichenko Luiza Nikolaevna, Chakalova Elina Pavlovna
Kuban State University
Submitted: 11.10.2019
Abstract. The article describes ethno-cultural characteristics of female images in the Greek language. The paper aims to reveal the main features of female images in the Greek poetry of the XX century and to identify how the image of an ideal woman (her inner qualities, appearance) correlates with the stages in the development of the ethno-cultural community. For the first time, the authors provide a comprehensive multi-aspect analysis of the female image in poetical works of this period. Relying on the findings, the paper reveals the diversity of female images in the Greek poetry of the XX century, identifies five thematic groups and classifies them according to semantic density. The provided examples represent the specificity of the female image perception in the Greek linguo-culture; reveal interrelation of historical, cultural and linguistic components.
Key words and phrases: женский образ, тематическая группа, архетип, символ, патриархальное общество, национально-специфические особенности, female image, thematic group, archetype, symbol, patriarchal society, national specific features
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