Antonenko Nataliya Vladimirovna
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Submitted: 08.10.2019
Abstract. The article analyses extra-linguistic and intra-linguistic factors influencing the formation of neologisms in the sphere of architecture. Originality of the study involves identifying interrelation of social environment, an architect’s vision and word-formative processes; this problem has not previously attracted linguists’ attention. The findings have allowed the author to identify the key cultural and social concepts of the native English speakers and to ascertain the most productive word-formative means in the sphere of architecture.
Key words and phrases: архитектурная лексика, лексическая единица, экстралингвистический, интралингвистический, экоархитектура, словообразование, окказионализм, architectural vocabulary, lexical unit, extra-linguistic, intra-linguistic, eco-architecture, word-formation, occasionalism
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