Amineva Venera Rudalevna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 24.08.2019
Abstract. For the first time, the article examines deictic means as an additional source of genre formation in lyrical poetry. Analysing the poems of V. A. Zhukovsky, F. I. Tyutchev, A. A. Fet, B. L. Pasternak, the researcher concludes that, being the theme of a statement, deictic elements evolve from an initial speech form to a proper poetical one. It is shown that deictic elements represent the process of identification and self-identification of a lyrical subject. Dominance of a hermeneutic code in the works of this genre is associated with orientation towards the process of cognition (self-cognition). It correlates with mytho-poetical and figurative languages.
Key words and phrases: жанровые первофеномены, идентификация, определение, субъектная архитектоника, кумуляция, параллелизм, тропы, дейксис, русская поэзия, initial genre phenomena, identification, definition, subject architectonics, cumulation, parallelism, tropes, deixis, Russian poetry
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