Nadyrshina Leisan Radifovna, Khannanova Gul'chira Makhmutovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 17.09.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the existential motives of ?abdulla Tuqay’s Ural (1904-1907) and Kazan (the end of 1907 - 1913) periods. Special attention is paid to analysing certain motives of ?. Tuqay’s lyrics at the level of semantics and poetics. The paper identifies and analyzes the most frequent existential motives in the Tatar poet’s creative work: extinction, estrangement, loneliness, doom and surrendering to fate. The researchers reveal the socio-political and biographical factors, which influenced the poet’s existential world perception. The conclusion is made about national semantics of the analysed motives.
Key words and phrases: татарская поэзия, экзистенциальная картина мира, Габдулла Тукай, мотив, поэтика, Tatar poetry, existential worldview, ?abdulla Tuqay, motive, poetics
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