Likhacheva Zhanna Vladimirovna
Omsk State Transport University
Submitted: 08.08.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the English phraseological units with a somatic component. The paper discusses their semantic characteristics, describes grammatical structure and semantic peculiarities. The originality of the study lies in the fact that phraseological units with a somatic component have not been subjected to a comprehensive study yet. The author has estimated the percentage of grammatical structures most frequent in native speakers’ speech, identified twelve types of idioms and provided a detailed description of their meanings illustrated with numerous examples.
Key words and phrases: фразеологическая единица, семантическая характеристика, идиомы с компонентом "голова", идиомы с компонентом "лицо", идиомы с компонентом "спина", идиомы с компонентом "сердце", phraseological unit, semantic characteristic, idioms with component "head", idioms with component "face", idioms with component "back", idioms with component "heart"
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