Zayats Mikhail Sergeevich
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 08.08.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the religious and philosophical search of Innokenty Annensky, the Russian poet of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The researcher traces the evolution of the poet’s spiritual world, filled with antinomies of denial and affirmation, to the truths of the Christian soteriology and eschatology; describes the stages of the poet’s creative path, where the conceptions of death and immortality overlap into a single vector. The paper reveals the general spiritual atmosphere of the transitional epoch characterized by aspiration for justice and Beauty as an aesthetic category that promotes revival and liberation of a human being.
Key words and phrases: И. Анненский, рубеж веков, Серебряный век, поэтическое слово, идеи смерти и бессмертия, христианская сотериология, эсхатология, I. Annensky, turn of the centuries, Silver Age, poetical word, conceptions of death and immortality, Christian soteriology, eschatology
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