Abstract. In Germany, G?nter Kunert is regarded as one of the major poets of modernity. In Russia, his creative work is still unknown and poorly studied. His works, representing the XX-century literature of the German Democratic Republic, the Federative Republic of Germany and united Germany, almost always combine the features of poetical and political discourses. The motive of social utopia has played the key role in his poems since the 1950s. The article traces the evolution of this motive against the background of the events of the XX century and the author’s life at the heart of them. The Russian poetical translation of two G?nter Kunert’s poems is provided.
Key words and phrases: Гюнтер Кунерт, поэзия Германии, рефлексивная поэзия, политический дискурс, ГДР, утопия, G?nter Kunert, German poetry, reflexive poetry, political discourse, The German Democratic Republic, utopia
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