Shokov Nikolai Nikolaevich
Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law
Submitted: 13.10.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to differentiating the notions "style" and "language". Language is considered as the system of linguistic units (phonemes, words, phraseological units, word-formative models, syntactic constructions) used in speech. Style is considered as the integrity of style features (coherence, accuracy, clarity, informational richness, figurativeness, non-figurativeness, etc.) constituting the originality of a certain type of a literary statement. The author argues that the notions "style" and "language" overlap, that’s why the titles beginning with the words "language and style" are considered inappropriate.
Key words and phrases: стиль, функциональный стиль, индивидуальный стиль, язык автора, стилевая черта, style, functional style, individual style, author’s language, style feature
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