Yunkova Evgeniya Petrovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 09.11.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the lexical and grammatical transformations of the text by the examples of the translation of J. M. Barrie’s novel "Peter Pan" from English into Spanish and Russian. The examined linguistic material shows the grammatical and lexical transformations caused by the interlingual and cross-cultural distinctions of the stylistic potential of the source language and the target languages. It is concluded that the use of different translation strategies and the choice of linguistic means occur under the influence of the interpreter’s aspiration to keep the aesthetic message of the text and pragmatic impact on the addressee.
Key words and phrases: перевод, прагматика текста, лексические трансформации, грамматические трансформации, адресат текста, эстетическая функция текста, русский язык, английский язык, испанский язык, translation, text pragmatics, lexical transformations, grammatical transformations, text addressee, aesthetic function of text, Russian language, English language, Spanish language
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