Pleshkov Evgenii Sergeevich
South Ural State University (National Research University)
Submitted: 19.11.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the specificity of the linguistic consciousness of different subcultures representatives on the basis of proper names (song title). The author proposes a psycholinguistic approach to the study of the proper name semantics in the light of subcultural specificity, and conducts a free associative experiment among rock musicians, fans and laymen. The experimental data make it possible to formulate the psycholinguistic meaning of the studied stimulus word and to conclude that the appearance of differences in the actualization of the images of linguistic consciousness depends on the individual’s belonging to specific subcultures.
Key words and phrases: имя собственное, субкультура, рок-музыканты, фанаты, профаны, ассоциативный эксперимент, психолингвистическое значение, языковое сознание, proper name, subculture, rock musicians, fans, laymen, associative experiment, psycholinguistic meaning, linguistic consciousness
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