Dudareva Marianna Andreevna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 02.07.2018
Abstract. The article raises the question of the apophatic element in S. Yesenin’s poetic style. The object of the study is a well-known poem "A Letter to Mother" (1924), which was considered by literary critics primarily in the context of epistolary lyrics, "the cycle to the relatives". However, it is this work that differs significantly both in the form and language level from the poems "A Letter from Mother" and "The Response". Language means, the lexemes "бредь / delirium", "сад / garden", "дом / house", the epithet combination "несказанный свет / indescribable light" lead the reader to the archetypal, mythological ritual level of the poem. Apophatic states are also associated with the eidology of the "other kingdom" in S. A. Yesenin’s poetic style. The metaphysical sense of the world became sharper than the physical one at a turning point, which was clearly manifested in literature, where one of cross-cutting themes was the theme of death. The idea of death is important in the Russian folklore, it is organic to archaic ideas about the world - the poet wrote exactly about it in the philosophical treatise "The Keys of Mary" (1918).
Key words and phrases: С. А. Есенин, "иное царство", апофатика, мифо-ритуальное пространство, фольклор, S. A. Yesenin, "other kingdom", apophaticism, mythological ritual space, folklore
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