Volkova Ol'ga Mikhailovna, Danilova Natal'ya Kuz'minichna
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Submitted: 12.07.2018
Abstract. The article analyzes the problem of the relationship between the nature and the man in the novel "Abode" by Zakhar Prilepin. There are some parallels with the Russian classics; the originality of the writer’s position is indicated: the absence of detailed descriptive pictures, the person is shown in involuntary unity and opposition to the nature. The paper studies the features of the world perception and the reaction of the heroes to it, for whom the nature is not a subject of attention, but the conditions of life. Separate images are considered: the sky, the sun, the sea, and the gulls. The meaning of these images grows from everyday to symbolic. In the literary world of the novel the relationship between the man and the nature is not only a way of characterrization, but also the ability to comprehend the complexity of the human nature, society and existence as a whole.
Key words and phrases: современная литература, Захар Прилепин, роман "Обитель", природа и человек, образ героя, modern literature, Zakhar Prilepin, novel "Abode", nature and man, hero’s image
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