Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the verbal aspect category functioning in the translation of the work of the Columbian writer Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez "One Hundred Years of Solitude" made by N. Butyrina and V. Stolbov. In the original, tense forms and verbal phrases interact with the context and the lexical meaning of the verbs representing this or that aspectual nuance. In the Russian translation, it is not always possible to find direct correspondences, because the aspectual characteristic of the Spanish verb is closely related to the category of tense and is expressed by tense forms and verbal phrases, and not by the verb itself, as it is in Russian.
Key words and phrases: категория вида, видовые значения, глагольные конструкции, перифразы, герундий, инфинитив, причастие, совершенный вид, несовершенный вид, перевод, category of aspect, aspectual meanings, verbal constructions, periphrases, gerund, infinitive, participle, perfective aspect, imperfective aspect, translation
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