Khabibullina Alsu Zarifovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 27.06.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of elegy in the Russian literature of the XIX century and in the Tatar poetry of the beginning of the XX century in the comparative aspect. Its goal is to clarify the essence of the correlation between the Russian elegy and elegiac tone with certain genres of the Tatar poetry: ghazal, kit?a. The poems by A. Pushkin ("The Daylight Faded"), N. Nekrasov ("The Last Elegies"), ?. Tuqay ("Broken Hope", "Without the Title") are the factual material of the research. It is ascertained that ?. Tuqay’s poetry became the expression sphere of the dialogue between the literatures: his ghazal "Broken Hope", as well as other poems, conveys the artistic content that correlates with the elegiac tone of the Russian poetry of the XIX century. The author of the article proves that thanks to the translations into the Tatar language of A. Pushkin’s and M. Lermontov’s elegies, ?. Tuqay managed to create in his works those images and themes that are close to the studied genre and its modality.
Key words and phrases: элегия, газель, русская литература, татарская литература, диалог, сопоставительная поэтика, elegy, ghazal, Russian literature, Tatar literature, dialogue, comparative poetics
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