Minnullina Fatyma Khaliullovna, Garipova Leilya Shamilovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 25.06.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the plays based on epic works. By the material of the works by Z. Zainullin, M. Gilyazov, Yu. Safiullin, and I. Mukhametgaliev, the content and significance of the stage versions reflecting the general laws of the development of the Tatar stage art are revealed. The purpose of the article is to find out differences in the plots and in the depiction of characters. Scientific novelty is in analyzing the balance of documentary publicistic nature and artistic figurativeness in the structure of the stage versions. It is on this basis that the national author’s conception of modern social and moral principles, which has its roots in the tragic past of the people, emerges.
Key words and phrases: З. Зайнуллин, М. Гилязов, Ю. Сафиуллин, И. Мухаметгалиев, пьеса, инсценировка, спектакль, интерпретация, режиссер, герой, драма, Z. Zainullin, M. Gilyazov, Yu. Safiullin, I. Mukhametgaliev, play, stage version, performance, interpretation, director, hero, drama
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