Akopova Yuliya Alekseevna
Rostov State University of Economics
Submitted: 26.06.2018
Abstract. The article analyzes the literary and journalistic heritage of Andrei Bely in the context of the medieval spiritual practice - Hesychasm, the philosophical conceptions of Russian "cosmists" at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The conclusion is made about the deep influence of Hesychasm on the type of the philosophizing of Russian religious philosophers and the artistic insights of Russian symbolists, in particular, Andrei Bely. The correlation of the world outlook of Russian symbolism with the teachings by Gregory Palamas becomes obvious when it comes to the possibility of the appearance of light-bearing divine reality in the earthly world. "All-transforming and all-perfecting" "divine energy" can be revealed to a person in earthly life in synergistic unity with the God, the manifestation of which is "uncreated light", called the "light of the Mount Fabor" in Orthodoxy. In the medieval theological discourse by Gregory Palamas, the philosophical reflections and artistic intuition of the Silver Age, the authenticity of the spiritual experience of a man, the possibility of "deification", that is the miracle of contemplation of the Divine, are affirmed.
Key words and phrases: А. Белый, символизм, исихазм, синергия, христианство, неохристианство, энергийная антропология, мистическая интуиция, догматизм, модернизм, теургия, жизнетворчество, A. Bely, symbolism, Hesychasm, synergy, Christianity, neo-Christianity, energetic anthropology, mystical intuition, dogmatism, modernism, theurgy, life-creation
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