Li Pu
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 16.05.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the ways of the semantization of somatisms verbalizators in classes of the Russian language with Chinese audience. The author reveals the notion "somatisms verbalizator". The stages of the work are distinguished as follows: introduction, primary consolidation and development of skills and abilities. Particular attention is paid to the ways of semantization - translated and untranslated ones. The paper analyzes the above mentioned ways of the semantization of somatisms verbalizators and reveals their advantages and disadvantages. All the ways of semantization are illustrated by examples and the variants of exercises are presented, aimed at primary consolidation of somatisms verbalizators in the Russian language classes with the groups of the third- and fourth-year Chinese students of the bachelor’s degree programme of the Chinese university.
Key words and phrases: семантизация, вербализатор соматизмов, переводные способы, беспереводные способы, языковая единица, semantization, verbalizator of somatisms, translated ways, untranslated ways, language unit
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