Abstract. The paper contributes to the comprehensive analysis of the lexical frame "armed clash", which can be represented as a network consisting of knots and ties between them, where each knot bears its own "information" implementing certain typical features of the appropriate situation. The article introduces a complex structural-semantic model of the frame "armed clash" as a cognitive structure. The authors describe recursive-descending and recursive-ascending schemes to unfold the frame as far as it is actualized in the publicistic text. The statements actualizing the frame are represented as structural syntactic models.
Key words and phrases: фрейм, когнитивная структура, терм, актуализация фрейма, рекурсивная схема, терминал, структурно-семантическая модель, ядерная пропозиция, макропропозиция, frame, cognitive structure, term, actualization of frame, recursive scheme, terminal, structural-semantic model, nuclear proposition, macro-proposition
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