Shipilova Nataliya Vital'evna
Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities
Submitted: 24.05.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the interpretation of the classical for the medieval literature image of the Garden of Eden in the context of religious theater. In connection with this, the liturgical drama of the XII century "Le Jeu d’Adam" / "The Play of Adam" and four largest cycles of English mysteries: York, Chester, the cycle of "N-Town" and "Townley", have been analyzed. By the material of dramatic works and scenic instructions for plays, the problem of showing sacral space in the Middle Ages and its role in the plot are studied. It is concluded that the Garden of Eden in mysteries is endowed with certain features of a real-life place, which makes it possible to influence the viewer with the greatest force, but at the same time in the plot of the Fall it remains opposed to terrestrial space.
Key words and phrases: драматургия, средневековый театр, религиозный театр, литургическая драма, мистерия, циклы мистерий, drama, medieval theater, religious theater, liturgical drama, mystery, cycles of mysteries
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