Zhdanov Sergei Sergeevich
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies
Submitted: 30.04.2018
Abstract. The article examines the artistic space of Germany in the series of humorous stories "Ours Abroad" by N. A. Leikin. This chronotope is presented in two ways. One image of Germany is given from the point of view of a neutral narrator. The second one is phantasmagoric Germany, or Nemetchina (German way of life), seen through the eyes of the main characters, the Russian merchant couple of the Ivanovs. The common nucleus of both Germanies is a typical German character as an imagological construct formed within the framework of the XIX-century Russian literature. This includes motives of the purity, orderliness of the German locus, as well as the planned and mechanistic nature of the Germans’ life.
Key words and phrases: Н. А. Лейкин, Германия, немецкость, типаж, имагология, юмор, художественное пространство, русская литература XIX века, N. A. Leikin, Germany, German character, character type, imagology, humor, artistic space, Russian literature of the XIX century
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