Kieva Zufira Khadzhibikarovna
Ingush Research Institute for the Humanities named after Chakh Ahriev; Ingush State University
Submitted: 23.04.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the topical problem of the interrelation between language and thinking on the basis of the notion of linguistic worldview within the framework of the cognitive approach. Conceptual studies in Ingush linguistics have not been widely disseminated. The novelty of the concept "good" presentation is that it is for the first time studied on the basis of the phraseological fund of the Ingush language. The author determines the conceptual basis of the concept "good", its properties and characteristics, its place in Ingush phraseology. The concept "good" is considered not only as a linguistic cultural phenomenon, but its conceptual component is also defined in the context of the phraseological units of the Ingush language. As a result, the concept "good" that determines positive features of the individual and is studied from the linguo-centric and cognitive points of view appears to be one of the basic ones in the guidelines of the Ingush people.
Key words and phrases: ингушский язык, когнитивная лингвистика, языковая картина мира, концепт дика - "добро", концептуализация и категоризация окружающего мира, фразеологизм, фразеологическая единица, Ingush language, cognitive linguistics, linguistic worldview, concept дика - "good", conceptualization and categorization of the world around, idiom, phraseological unit
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