Golaidenko Larisa Nikolaevna
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
Submitted: 28.03.2018
Abstract. The article provides the analytical description of genitive metaphors and metaphors-similes - syncretic trope formations, the lexical-semantic basis of which consists of words with the meaning of representation, in particular, memory/imagination. Special attention is paid to the metaphors-similes that are formed on the basis of the models of genitive and comparative constructions. The author also considers metamorphoses (speech phenomena, which are transitional between metaphor and simile) and predicative assimilation in them; and emphasizes that syncretic tropes represent the cognitive specificity of representation.
Key words and phrases: метафора, метафора-сравнение, метаморфоза как переходное тропеическое преобразование между метафорой и сравнением, предикативная ассимиляция, metaphor, metaphor-simile, metamorphosis as transitional trope transformation between metaphor and simile, predicative assimilation
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