Barakhoeva Nina Mustafaevna, Khairova Roza Rezvanovna
Ingush Research Institute for the Humanities named after Chakh Ahriev; Ingush State University
Ingush Research Institute for the Humanities named after Chakh Ahriev
Submitted: 25.04.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the word-formation of adverbs in the modern Ingush language. From the point of view of word-formation and origin, Ingush dialects can be divided into derivatives and non-derivatives. Most of derived adverbs in the Ingush language are represented by the lexicalization of the case forms of nouns that act synchronously as the word-forming affixes of adverbs. Adverbialization of adjectives is also productive in the sphere of adverbial word-formation. The authors come to the conclusion that the word-forming elements of Ingush adverbs are not inferior to the derivational system of other parts of speech as to their complexity.
Key words and phrases: ингушский язык, наречие, производные и непроизводные наречия, аффикс, суффикс, форманты падежей, редупликация, композиты, конверсия, адвербиализация, Ingush language, adverb, derivative and non-derivative adverbs, affix, suffix, case formants, reduplication, composites, conversion, adverbialization
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