Chapogir Stepanida Innokent'evna
Buryat State University
Submitted: 11.04.2018
Abstract. The article touches upon a fragment of the linguistic worldview of the Evenks, in whose spatial view the knowledge of vehicles, represented in the language, is concentrated. The author considers the results of the study of the structure of the lexical-semantic field "vehicles" according to the data of the Evenk language dictionaries and expedition materials. As a result of the examination of the lexical-semantic field "vehicles" in the Evenk language, the paper identifies three lexical-semantic groups: "dog sleds", "skis", "boat", in which lexical units are united around the central word.
Key words and phrases: эвенки, языковая картина мира, эвенкийский язык, пространство, дорога, средства передвижения, the Evenks, linguistic worldview, Evenk language, space, road, vehicles
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