Fakhretdinova Gul'naz Nurkhametovna
Kazan National Research Technological University
Submitted: 15.04.2018
Abstract. The article analyzes the genre variety of advertising in the Tatar language, which is conditioned by the growing competition in the market of goods and services and the need for the creation and development of advertising material in the Tatar language for the Tatar-speaking population. The author gives the classification of Tatar advertising, taking into account linguistic features in it. The analysis of the genres characteristic for advertising in the Tatar language is conducted. The paper considers the peculiarities and regularities of the linguistic organization of the texts of Tatar newspaper and radio advertisements. The research is based on Tatar printed advertising texts from the local and regional press and radio advertising from three Tatar-speaking radio stations.
Key words and phrases: татарская реклама, печатная реклама, радиореклама, жанровая разновидность, классификация, Tatar advertising, print advertising, radio advertising, genre variety, classification
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