Abstract. The article examines the role of intertextuality in the disclosure of the literary conception of a personality in the story "The Earthly Things" by D. Ermakov. It is ascertained that the writer uses a diverse range of means to create intertextuality: citations, allusions, metatextual links. These techniques contribute to the expansion and enrichment of the content of the story, as well as the embodiment of the conception of a personality in the work. The study of the intertextuality of D. Ermakov’s story is included in a wide literary context. The author emphasizes the connection between the character system of the work and classical Russian literature.
Key words and phrases: Д. Ермаков, интертекстуальность, метатекст, цитации, метатекстуальные связи, концепция личности, цитаты, принцип центона, литературоцентрическая ориентированность, традиции, постмодернизм, актуализация, D. Ermakov, intertextuality, metatext, citations, metatextual links, conception of personality, quotes, cento principle, literary-centric orientation, traditions, postmodernism, actualization
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