Il'ina Galina Gennad'evna
I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University
Submitted: 06.04.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the forest characters of Chuvash folklore. The material is the folklore texts, in which these characters are mentioned in one way or another. Beliefs of the Chuvash people in forest spirits are stronger than beliefs in any other spirits. The topicality of the study is seen in the fact that all the characters that we have attributed to the forest ones have a common set of characteristics. This allows talking about the specific polyonymy of a certain forest character ("leshii" (wood goblin)). The problem raised in the paper also concerns the forest characters of the Mari and Tatar peoples.
Key words and phrases: чувашский фольклор, лесные персонажи, дефиниции названий, схема описания, внешний вид, Chuvash folklore, forest characters, definitions of names, description scheme, appearance
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