Zhang Shuo
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 05.04.2018
Abstract. The article describes the structure of the analogues of a conjunction related to the semantic category of words that form explanatory relationship, the central component of which is the word " точнее " / more specifically. The paper defines the semantic basis of the conjunction function appearance in a significant word. The semantic-syntactic functions of the named analogues of the conjunction are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the lexical content of the construction on the basis of the conjunction analogue " точнее " / more specifically and its lexical-syntactic variants. The author comes to the conclusion that, depending on the nature of the vocabulary, various types of explanatory relations are formed in this construction.
Key words and phrases: союз, аналог союза, лексико-синтаксический вариант, пояснительные отношения, функция связи, семантика, конструкция, conjunction, analogue of conjunction, lexical-syntactic variant, explanatory relations, communication function, semantics, construction
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