Baranova Elena Gennad'evna
Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N. A. Dobrolyubov
Submitted: 17.04.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the translation strategy by S. Persky - one of the most famous translators of M. Gorky in France. The comparative analysis of the previously unexamined translations of the works "My Childhood" and "The Mother" makes it possible to reveal significant differences in the image system of the original and the translation: Gorky’s expressionistic imagery and specific Russian cultural connotations are leveled, and the associative potential of the words of symbolic significance is impoverished. The author draws a conclusion that S. Persky’s "neutralizing" approach, first of all, was aimed at rendering the ideological originality of the text and it conditioned a different character of the reception of "My Childhood" and "The Mother" in Russia and in France.
Key words and phrases: перевод, Горький, Перский, рецепция, идиостиль, "Детство", "Мать", translation, Gorky, Persky, reception, idiostyle, "My Childhood", "The Mother"
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