Sadokova Anastasiya Ryurikovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 21.04.2018
Abstract. The article studies the history of the Japanese’s acquaintance with the works of Russian classical literature at the end of the XIX century. Specific examples show how tough this process was and what difficulties arose when translating the Russian classics through the "intermediary language". The main stages of familiarizing the Japanese intelligentsia with Russian literature are revealed. The author determines the role of the first professional translators in the formation of stable interest in Russian literature and culture in the Japanese society, which later exerted tremendous influence on the creation of new Japanese literature.
Key words and phrases: переводная литература в Японии, русская классика, новая японская литература, переводы с европейских языков, адаптация реалий и имен, национальный колорит, translated literature in Japan, the Russian classics, new Japanese literature, translations from European languages, adaptation of realia and names, national colour
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