Abstract. The article attempts to examine the relationship between the lexical-semantic variants of a lexeme and the grammatical form of a word. As a result of the research it is revealed that the degree of polysemy representation by grammatical forms depends on the number of the meanings of a word: the more meanings the word has, the lower the degree of polysemy representation is. The degree of polysemy representation by one or another grammatical form depends on compatibility of their meaning with the lexical meanings of lexical-semantic variants. Polysemy is represented most fully in the forms of infinitive, verbal adverb and indicative, since their grammatical meaning is combined with many lexical meanings.
Key words and phrases: лексема, лексическая единица, многозначность, лексико-семантические варианты, грамматическая форма слова, взаимосвязь, лингвистические проблемы, степень отражения многозначности, lexeme, lexical unit, polysemy, lexical-semantic variants, grammatical form of word, interrelation, linguistic problems, degree of polysemy representation
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