Nazarova Tat’yana Vladimirovna
Volgograd State University
Submitted: 27.03.2018
Abstract. The article demonstrates the possibilities of applying the method of the axiological analysis to identify the profile characteristics of the publication. The target goals of the magazine "Russkiy", the specificity of the content and genre model are determined. The author ascertains that the search for the ways to overcome the crisis of national identity goes in three directions: an image of the Russian land is being formed; the history of the country is recreated in documentary narratives about destinies of the people inhabiting it; the generalized ideal image of a person is modeled, in whose consciousness the values of the meaning of life, unity with the humanitarian goal, patriotism, altruism and creativity dominate.
Key words and phrases: "Русский мир.ru", аксиологический анализ, ценность, разновидности очерка, национальная идентичность, патриотизм, альтруизм, "Russkiy", axiological analysis, value, varieties of essay, national identity, patriotism, altruism
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