Lypkan' Tat'yana Vital'evna
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 03.03.2018
Abstract. The article analyzes realization of voiceless and voiced plosive consonants in the speech of the Russian-speaking bilingual children of Germany reading aloud a phonetically representative text. The author measures bilingual children’s voice pause period regarding the instant of explosion of voiced plosive consonants (the start time of vocalization - STV), since she considers it the most reliable acoustic indicator to differentiate between voiceless and voiced consonants. Voiced plosive consonants STV characteristics differ in the Russian and German languages; consequently, inter-lingual phonetic interference occurs.
Key words and phrases: время начала озвончения, глухие и звонкие взрывные смычные согласные, межъязыковая фонетическая интерференция, русскоязычные дети-билингвы Германии, положительное (позитивное) и отрицательное (негативное) ВНО, длительность ВНО, миллисекунды, start time of vocalization, voiceless and voiced plosive consonants, inter-lingual phonetic interference, Russian-speaking bilingual children of Germany, positive and negative STV, STV duration, milliseconds
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