Kondrashkina Elena Alekseevna
Research Center of National-Language Relations of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 14.03.2018
Abstract. The article aims to analyze the functional development of the Komi language at the present stage and, on the basis of this analysis, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the language law adopted 26 years ago (1992) and measures for its implementation, to predict the further development of the Komi language. In order to understand the language situation in the Republic of Komi, the author represents data on the number and location of its population and the demographic power of the Komi language, i.e. data on the number of people, who speak Komi, who consider it native in relation to the Russian language. Having examined the functioning of the Komi language in a number of important social spheres, the author concludes that the law on the language, although it activated the Komi population’s interest in their language, culture, history, couldn’t overcome the psychological mood of the younger generation to learn their native language because of the lack of motivation to use it in the future life.
Key words and phrases: коми-зырянский язык, система образования, урбанизация, русский язык, сферы функционирования коми языка, Komi-Zyryan language, education system, urbanization, Russian language, spheres of Komi language functioning
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